AUSTRIA - project funding of the Action Austria - Slovakia - Initiative projects

Home country
Host country
Field of study/research
Natural Sciences
Technical Sciences
Agriculture Sciences
Social Sciences
Type of support
project grant
Support category
project cooperation
Target group (when applying for the scholarship)
PhD student, university teacher, researcher
max. 12 months
Finance source
Action Austria - Slovakia, Cooperation in Science and Education
number of projects supported depends upon the funds available and the quality of proposals
Offered support
Financial means provided by the Action Austria - Slovakia may be used for:
  • mobility costs (travel costs, accommodation and board)
  • salary (in certain cases)
  • other justified costs (teaching materials, communication costs, etc.)
15.03.2025 23:59
Submission of applications
Project applications are submitted on-line at
Application form and supporting documents
Application is to be submitted on-line via:
Other relevant information
  • initiative projects – e.g. co-operation of young researchers, lecture series of excellent researchers; grant: max. 6,000 €/project; duration: max. 12 months; application deadline: 15 March, 15 May and 15 October
  • applicants from Austria shall study or work at an Austrian public/private university, university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule), university college of teacher education or the Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • applicants from Slovakia shall study or work at a Slovak state, public or private higher education institution or the Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • approved project should start at least 4 months after the deadline

More information at:,

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Programme administrator
SAIA, n. o.
Aktion Österreich – Slowakei
Sasinkova 10
812 20 Bratislava

Contact details:
Selection procedure
The selection of submitted projects is made by the bilateral Steering Committee of the Programme within 3 months after the submission deadline.
Názov prílohySúbor 
Financial rules (in German)Projekte - Finanzierungsrichtlinien 2018 - Beilage 1.pdfStiahnuť

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