UKRAINE - Summer School of Slovak Language and Culture - scholarship based on bilateral intergovernmental agreement

Home country
Host country
Field of study/research
Natural Sciences
Technical Sciences
Agriculture Sciences
Social Sciences
Type of support
Support category
language course
Target group (when applying for the scholarship)
Bachelor student, Master's student, PhD student, university teacher, researcher, other
3 weeks
Finance source
Programme of cooperation in the field of education between the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
5 slots
Offered support
Sending party is obliged to cover:
  • scholarship holders' international travel costs to and from Slovakia

Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic is obliged to provide scholarship holders with:
  • free accommodation and board
  • daily allowance according to the Slovak national legislation
  • free language course
(contact your respective authority)
Submission of applications
Information about the summer school Studia Academica Slovaca and about the application procedure can be found at:
Application form and supporting documents
Information about the application procedure for the summer school Studia Academica Slovaca (including the information about the scholarship possibility) can be found at:
Other relevant information
The Summer School of Slovak Language and Culture - Studia Academica Slovaca - usually takes place in Bratislava in August for 3 weeks. It is an intensive course of Slovak language and culture for university students, PhD students and university teachers of Slovak and Slavonic studies, but also for writers, translators/interpreters, journalists and for everyone interested in Slovak language and culture.

More information:

Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine:
Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Kiev:

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Programme administrator
Please contact your Ministry of Education/Higher Education and/or Research or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your country for further details about the application procedure. You may also contact the Slovak Embassy in your country (list of Slovak Embassies abroad can be found at:

Selection procedure
The Slovak Embassy in the respective country is responsible for the selection of the scholarship holders. Selected candidates will receive a valid scholarship code (non-transferable) which shall be used while registering for the SAS language summer course.

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